What is priority registration?
It means that students in special populations such as military students, are eligible to enroll for courses earlier than others. Ventura College offers priority registration for classes to all veterans and members of the military. If you are using your VA educational benefits, you will automatically be entered into the system to receive first-day priority registration. If you are not using your VA educational benefits at a public community college and want priority registration, you must present your DD214 or military ID to Admissions and Records, OR upload online via Secure Form Submission.
If you are unsure of how to do this, please call the VRC at 805-289-6060 and we can assist you.
Note: Dependents are not eligible for priority registration, unless they are a member of another special population. Those include the following: CalWorks, EAC/ACCESS (DSP&S), EOPS, Foster Youth, and Homeless Youth.
When is priority registration?
Priority Registration for Summer & Fall 2025 is April 14th.
STUDENTS – please click on and carefully read the Academic Calendar .
It contains specific information and registration requirements pertinent to each set of Key Dates noted below, and important information pertaining to all summer class schedules.
Key dates
JANUARY 13 - Spring 2025 semester begins.
February 2* - Last day to drop a semester-length class without a "W".
April 25* - Last day to drop a semester-length class with a "W".
May 23* - Last day to apply for pass/no pass.
May 19-23 - FINAL EXAMS
May 23 - VC Graduation
MAY 27 - 4 & 6 Week summer sessions begin
June 9 - 4 & 8 Week summer sessions begin
June 16 - 4, 5, & 6 Week summer sessions begin
June 26 @ Noon Graduation & Certification Petition Deadline for summer
July 7 - 4 Week summer sessions begin
August 2 - Last day to apply for pass/no pass
August 2 - End of summer session
AUGUST 11 - Fall 2025 semester begins.
August 22* - Last day to drop w/full refund or credit (full semester only)
September 1* - Last day to drop a semester-length class without a 'W'
November 14* - Last day to drop a semester-length class with a 'W'
December 5 - 11 - FINAL EXAMS
December 11* - Last day to apply for pass/no pass
*Information applies to semester-length classes only. Refer to the online schedule of classes for deadline dates for short-term and late-start classes.
Request your Benefits Each Semester
Certification is not automatic. To have your certification submitted to the VA, you must complete the New & Returning Student Checklist AND submit the completed online Veterans Agreement Form before the start of each semester.
Report any Changes
Always contact the VC College Veterans Counselor located in the VRC to report any change in your enrollment. Changes such as Add/Drop or Withdrawals, switching courses, etc. need to be reported immediately so that students do not end up owing money back to the VA.